About Us

About Greenstar Energy

Greenstar Energy is a British Independent oil and gas company and based energy provider who supplies electricity and gas to both domestic and business customers headquartered at One, Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7WS, United Kingdom, we also operates officially in USA, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Germany and Ireland. Greenstar Energy is a public limited company with a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and secondary listings on Euronext Amsterdam. It is one of the oil and gas Edzell"supermajors" and gas by revenue and profits is one of the largest oil & Gas and utility company in the world, ranking within the top 5 of the Fortune global since 2016.

As of January 2019 the company has over three million domestic and business customers, making it the Fifth largest energy supplier in the UK.

Greenstar Energy solutions allow energy and water providers to offer premium customer experience across all channels, including in-person, online, mobile apps and by phone to win customers and build loyalty in a competitive marketplace.

As one of the fastest-growing energy suppliers in the UK, Greenstar Energy is proud to have built an exceptional reputation amongst both domestic and commercial clients. Our team are committed to taking an honest approach, offering simple, custom-made tariffs that involve no hidden costs of exit fees. These tariffs are devised bespoke to your energy consumption, giving you the peace of mind that you will only ever have to pay for what you need.We are dedicated to ensuring that customers are paired with the best prices for their needs, helping them to say up to £300.

Our Support

[email protected]

Suite E Old Court Buildings, Whapload Road, Lowestoft, England, NR32 1UR

UK Registered

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